Activities in Petišovci, North-eastern part of Slovenia (border with Hungary):
- In test wells called PG-11 in 3050 m below the surface they found gas reserves, which could be exploited by fracking. Investor said they could start using that gas commercially in a year time (March 2013). 75% of gas sales income would go to British company Ascent Resources, 25% would stay in two Slovenian companies (Petrol, nationally owned and Nafta Lendava).
- Gas extraction on the area is going on for more the half a century and that they were using fracking method already in the past.
- They would produce around 10% of Slovenia’s gas consumption.
- Already finished with the fracking process. There are around 140 on location from the past and around 14 deep wells (they will produce gas from 2 of this 14).
- treatments are for low permeability sandstone reservoirs;
- Using industrial water for fracking. After usage they get 50-80% of fluid back for “recycling”
- The company is saying that all chemicals they use ought to have REACH certificate.
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