Coalition STOP HF joins the World Day against fracking shale gas using hydraulic fracturing (HF), when hundreds of thousands of people around the world are protesting against waste and contamination, the devastation of nature and the environment by this method.(
Except preparing the law for ban HF in the Czech Republic and extablishing a global platform Frack Free World, the Coalition STOP HF supports Global Frack. Within this global day Coalition STOP HF supports Alexandru Popescu of Romania on its 3000 km journey (on the area of Czech Republic) protest against shale gas and cyanide mining of gold in Romania and the EU. (
Coalition STOP HF, member of Frack Free World, organinises press release for Alexandru Popescu
13.10. v 9:00, Staroměstské náměstí, Prague
If you are in Prague, please go here for support this action for saving drinking water in EU.
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