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Registration sheet

  1. Any entity may join FFW that agrees with and actively supports the aim of FFW, which is a global ban of the HF method, as described in the charter. An entity joins FFW by signing this registration sheet and adopting the logo and FFW name which the entity will use together with their current name.
  2. Entities operating in the State shall keep an agenda on the FFW website for that particular State. In particular, it shall prepare a statement on the issue of HF and keep this page as up-to-date as possible. This will provide feedback to enable better coordination of FFW.
  3. If a national coalition is established, one person, namely a national coordinator, shall act on behalf of the State towards the FFW. If there are more groups and not in a national coalition it shall choose a national coordinator from among them. If there is one group in the State it shall send its representative to the FFW. In all cases it means an advisory role for the managing group of FFW (World Brain Trust – WBT). The WBT consists of representatives of individual continents and scientific councils. By agreement of the FFW members of each continent, one representative shall be co-opted to the WBT.
  4. Pursuant to paragraph 3, a representative shall be appointed by the national administrator to manage the relevant sections of the website, which receives administrator rights from the WWF within the week of being appointed.
  5. The national administrator, except for point 4, ensures the maintenance of the national news. Nationwide events shall be announced at least one month in advance in cooperation with the national coordinator so that the FFW can organize and coordinate assistance and not conflict with or fall at the same time as events of other countries or continents.


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