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Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney calls for immediate halt to fracking

Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney has co-signed a petition with more than 150 other famous names calling on the Government to immediately suspend the UK’s fracking drive. The 166-word letter, published today in The Times, describes how the dash to

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Santa Cruz Is First California County to Ban Fracking

Santa Cruz County has become the first county in California to impose a “permanent” ban on fracking, as well as all other on-shore oil and gas development. Tuesday morning the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the pre-emptive move against hydraulic

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Member of European parlament Poc reveals the background of shale play on EU or also known as slate mafia.

Poc : Keith Smith feels the chance to promote U.S. interests in the V4 countries Article from mr. Poc , although in March , but it fits into the overall picture of what is happening in the EU and Ukraine

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9. května: Skupina “Američané proti frakování“ vítá dopis od Senátu o vývozu plynu z frakování

Prohlášení výkonného ředitele Wenonah Hauter z organizace Food & Water Watch, jménem Američany proti frakování: Washington, DC – “Jsme potěšeni dvojstranickou úsilí, které vedou senátoři Edward Markey (Dem.-Massachusetts) a Debbie Stabenow (Dem.-Michigan) tlačit na prezidenta Obamu, aby zvážil negativního dopadu

Posted in News Europe, News North America

Americans Against Fracking Applauds Senate Letter on Fracked Gas Exports

Statement by Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director, Food & Water Watch on Behalf of Americans Against Fracking Washington, D.C. – “We applaud the bipartisan effort led by Senators Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) to pressure President Obama to consider

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Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals Linked to Fracking Found in Colorado River

This week, more evidence came in that hydraulic fracturing (or fracking) poses potentially serious risks to drinking water quality and human health. A team of researchers from the University of Missouri found evidence of hormone-disrupting activity in water located near

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Russia’s Gazprom, American Halliburton sign major energy deal

  Russia’s state-owned energy giant Gazprom Neft has signed a major cooperation agreement with the huge American energy services corporation Halliburton to facilitate “technological exchanges” to boost production. “One aspect of cooperation will be special technical seminars for employees of

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Exporting Liquefied Natural Gas Is A Dreadful Idea For The Climate

The crisis in Ukraine has rekindled arguments that the U.S. should export shale gas, supposedly to diminish the threat posed by Russia’s “energy weapon.” Sadly, few seem to care about diminishing the threat posed by climate change, since it has

Posted in News North America

Antifracking organisations in Canada

Dear friends. If you want to find out details about fracking in your country, or to connect with the world antifracking movement in your country, contact one of these organisations: BC Tapwater Alliance Stop Fracking British Columbia: Council of

Posted in News North America

Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on U.S. for shale gas supplies in connection with crisis in Ukraine

On Saturday, March 9, 2014 the server reported that ambassadors from the V4 (Czech Rep., Poland, Slovakia and Hungary) in connection with the crisis in Ukraine and on the initiative of the V4 Presidency wrote a letter to John

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