Press release. Please share in your networks. A fatal work accident has occurred the night of 18-19 May on the Chevron platform in the village of Pungesti, Romania, where a worker employed by the Dafora company has lost his life.…
Press release. Please share in your networks. A fatal work accident has occurred the night of 18-19 May on the Chevron platform in the village of Pungesti, Romania, where a worker employed by the Dafora company has lost his life.…
Santa Cruz County has become the first county in California to impose a “permanent” ban on fracking, as well as all other on-shore oil and gas development. Tuesday morning the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the pre-emptive move against hydraulic…
CSG (Coal Seam Gas) is perhaps even worse than the method of extraction shale gas with fracking. A peaceful protest was held near Lismouru in New South Walles. The photo reveals the scale of the protests as thousand of…
30.04.2014 On Wednesday The Grand Council of Neuchâtel accepted a 10-year moratorium on oil, natural gas and shale gas drilling projects. Neuchâtel is the first Swiss canton to adopt a ten-year moratorium on all oil drilling on its entire territory.…
Poc : Keith Smith feels the chance to promote U.S. interests in the V4 countries Article from mr. Poc , although in March , but it fits into the overall picture of what is happening in the EU and Ukraine…
Prohlášení výkonného ředitele Wenonah Hauter z organizace Food & Water Watch, jménem Američany proti frakování: Washington, DC – “Jsme potěšeni dvojstranickou úsilí, které vedou senátoři Edward Markey (Dem.-Massachusetts) a Debbie Stabenow (Dem.-Michigan) tlačit na prezidenta Obamu, aby zvážil negativního dopadu…
Statement by Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director, Food & Water Watch on Behalf of Americans Against Fracking Washington, D.C. – “We applaud the bipartisan effort led by Senators Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) to pressure President Obama to consider…