Miners initially asked for a large area in England, including the national parks. Then Britain has shown its eco-face and announced that the national parks are not jeopardized. Promises, just promises.
Dozens Czech NGO´s call to help world Climat March. Coalition STOP HF (against fracking in Czech Republic) joins for this, for safe climat future. Go with us. This year will be crucial. Czech FB :
Opponents methods from the UK three years after the Czech Republic and the USA combined into a unit platform. Thier movie about fracking is herfe:
At 10.6.2015 plenary session of the European Parliament was on the agenda of the vote on the report, which relates to shale gas. On the initiative of the Czech MEP Mr Miroslav Poche was the report amendment, which meant a…
After the companies ExxonMobil, Total and Chevron leaves illusion slate fever in Poland as well as the last big energy company, ConocoPhillips. Invested amount is estimated at EUR 200 million – much as it could be insulated home?
Great news from Scotland, sorce Greenpeace.
7.5.2015 The ITRE committee did not claim call for EU ban by one vote. It’s a very sad story, but it gives hope for the future, that most Members ITRE leans towards the protection of the public interest before private interests…